Who are the Title 1 teachers in BCSC and what is their contact information?
Clifty Creek Elementary - Amy Mihaljevic & Monica Kaufman
Schmitt Elementary - Michelle Ianni & Michelle Pruitt
Smith Elementary - Carmella Musillami & Emily Minnich
Taylorsville Elementary - Stacey Tolliver
How does my state and school district receive Title 1 dollars?
Title 1 funds flow to states and school districts on a formula basis. The formula takes into account the number of low-income children and the statewide average per pupil expenditures. Resources within the state are targeted to the districts with the greatest need.
What services does Title 1 provide?
Title 1 funds generally are used to improve academic achievement in reading and/or math, but the resources can be used to help students improve their achievement in all of the core academic subjects. Title 1 funds are flexible, and can be used to provide professional development for teachers; support hiring additional teachers aides; improve curriculum; enhance family engagement; extend learning time for students who need extra help; and provide other activities that are tied to raising student achievement.
What does the term "Title 1 schoolwide program" mean?
A school that receives Title 1 dollars and that has a student enrollment in which more than half of the students are low-income is eligible to operate a "schoolwide program." A schoolwide program requires a plan to improve academic achievement of all students in the school using Title I dollars on all of the students. Clifty Creek, Schmitt, Smith and Taylorsville Elementary Schools are schoolwide Title 1 programs in BCSC.
What about children with disabilities?
Children with disabilities are eligible for Title 1 services if the school and the student meets the Title I eligibility criteria. Title 1 services roughly 1 million students with disabilities.
What about children with limited English proficiency?
Children whose native language is other than English can receive Title 1 services in addition to bilingual education services so long as the school and the student meet the Title 1 eligibility criteria. Title 1 services are provided to approximately 2 million students with limited English proficiency, roughly one-fifth of all students served by the program.